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First Base - Database
First Base is a fast memory resident database system for small and medium
size applications. It is not full featured but has a wide range of
uses, is fast and very easy to learn and use.
Besides the usual type of application such as address lists, video tape
listings, computer program lists, records of checks, etc. a separate
program is provided which will enable you to put the GENIE directory of
files into this database so you can search through it at your leisure.
The entire data base is loaded into the memory of your ST. The more
free memory you have the larger database possible. There is an
arbitrary limit of 6000 records for the current revision of the program.
Options in the program are selected either by use of the function keys
or by selecting from a pull down menu with the mouse. The return, delete,
backspace, insert, home, and arrow keys are used when editing a record.
A database file generally consists of three parts the filename.DAT which
is the data organized as one record per line (which may be more than 80
characters). The data is in ASCII format so the file will appear normal
when viewed and it will be accessible to editors or other programs.
The second part is the filename.DEF. This file defines the field names
and the length of each field. It is also in normal ASCII format. It
can be created with the First Base or it can be created with a stand
alone editor.
The third part is the filename.RPT. This file identifies how the data
will be printed and what heading is to be used on the page. Limits for
revision 1.3 are one printer line per record 80 character per line
normal or 132 character per line compressed.
To run the program double click on FB.PRG. When the load file box is shown
you may change disks if the data will be on another disk. Click on select.
You may seclect an old .DAT file, change the disk drive, or enter a new
.DAT name for a new file.
If you choose to make a new file brief instruction are displayed and
the cursor will be at the upper left corner of the screen. First you
type the name of the field, it looks best of when preceded by a blank
space. Then type a : followed by a space. Finally use the _ (underscore)
to specify the number of spaces desired for the field. For example...
PROGRAM NAME: _____________________
When you are satisified with that field press the return key. Continue
in the same manner for other fields. You are limited to 11 fields and
not more than 80 character across the screen on any one field. Finally
after the last field press the F5 key (write). This saves your field
definition file and your are ready for entering new data.
Any time you want to enter new data into the fields you must first press
the F6 key. This sets up the data entry mode. After pressing F6 you
fill in the fields and press the F5 key to save the data. After pressing
F5 the record will advance and fields will be blank again waiting for
the next entry. When you have completed entering data you can press F3
to go to the first of the data or one of the other function keys to
escape from entering.
To edit fields the editing keys work as follows:
Up arrow moves to preceding field (up).
Down arrow moves to following field (down).
Right arrow advances cursor to right, at end of field goes to next one.
Left arrow moves cursor to left and stops at first of field.
Return is similar to down arrow.
Back space deletes character under the cursor and moves it left.
Delete deletes character under the cursor but does not move it.
Insert toggles the insert mode on or off.
Home sets the cursor at the home position.
Shift home clears the fields they do not stay cleared unless you follow
by pressing the F5 key.
Control home sets the home position of the cursor (depending on what
the current field is.)
Undo is for quitting without saving the file back to the disk.
Help displays a brief summary of commands.
Function keys are as follows: (F11 to F20 are obtained using shift)
F1 Display next record in sequence
F2 Display previous record in squence
F3 Display first record in memory.
F4 Display last record in memory.
F5 Write current record on screen to memory.
F6 Begin entry of new record.
F7 Clear fields (but don't save to memory unless followed by F5.)
F8 Sort the field that cursor is currently in.
F9 Search the field that curson is currently in for a string.
F10 Quit and save the data in memory back to disk.
F11 Delete a file from the disk (making room for .DAT file.
F12 Format a new disk (currently single density 10 sector only)
F13 Merge another database file with the one in memory. This will
only work when both files use the save .DEF type, that is the
fields are all the same type and length.
F14 Quit but don't save the data back to disk, same as Undo.
F15 Not used
F16 Print normal sized print.
F17 Print compressed print (set up for Epson printer code.)
Sorts can be made on any field, either ascending or descending.
To sort first move the cursor to the field to be sorted. Press the F8
key and wait. To do a double sort resort on another field. Then the
first field sorted will be ordered in the second field where fields
are of the same value.
Searches can also be done in any field. First move the cursor to the
field to be searched. Type in a string to be searched for. At this
point if you press return the search is forward from the current record.
You can also search forward by pressing the F1 or you can search backward
by pressing F2. When a match is found the record will be displayed. You
may then press return to continue searching or another key if you are
done. A blank screen shows that no further matches were found. Searches
are not case sensitive.
In order to delete records from a file you must first display the record
to be deleted, then press F7 followed by F5. This leaves a blank record
in memory. Before quiting and saving the file to disk sort on any field
in ascending order. This puts the blank records at the first. When the
file is saved these blank records will be skipped and not saved to disk.
Printing is limited to one record per line. In uncompressed mode that is
80 characters or 132 in compressed mode. The report format can be created
through the program or through a stand alone editor. When using the
program you select create format (F26) through the menu. After doing
this the fields are displayed preceded by a number for each field. That
number is used to identify what field is printed, A is 10 and B is 11.
You set up the format by typing the number of print locations for each
field desired. For example if you wanted 10 places for field to you
type 2222222222. Then if you want field 4 next which has 5 places you
type 44444. $, spaces, . , etc may be inserted. This all goes on one
line. To make it easier to know the exact number of places required for
each field you may press the function key corresponding to the field
number. This will put in the required spaces for that field. If there
are less spaces than the field requires printed entries are truncated.
If there are more spaces blanks are inserted. After entring the coded
format line press return. Backspace is the only editing key that works.
Next enter the page heading which labels the columns of fields. The cursor
will be lined up under the coded field data so you can tell how much room
you have for the titles. When you have completed this press return. This
completes creating a report format.
Before you begin printing you may decide to print the data in several
columns. This will condense the output and is usefull when you have a
large number of records but the amount of data to be printed is small.
For instance if you made a list of programs and what disk each is on
you might be able to print 4 across compressed. Select the number of
print columns from the pull down menu.
Included with this program in the .ARC file is a sample set up for
keeping track of computer programs that I use. It is only included so
you can try out the First Base program, some of the entries are coded
with letters to save space.
Also included is a program called TRIMFILE.PRG. Using this program you
can take the GENIE file list and adapt it to the First Base program.
If you download the GENIE list #4875 (or more recent update) and want to
convert it you will need at least 1 meg memory and a double sided disk
drive. Parts of the total file can be handled without the space
requirement. When you run the trimfile program to make it compatible with
the .DEF file that is included here you will need to enter the following
number at each prompt of the trimfile program. 15, 2, 71, 13, 48.
Suggestions regarding this program are welcome. Write...
Dave Henry
1720 Wickersham Dr.
Anchorage, Alaska 99507